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Naseem Malik


VP of Clubs and Orgs

Undergraduate Student Government

We represent and serve more than 17,000 undergraduate students at SUNY Stony Brook University. The USG is responsible for appropriating student activity fees to approximately 130 funded clubs and organizations in order to create a sense of community on campus and to enhance student life. For more than 50 years, we have been an organizing force for student power on campus through activism and representation throughout important decision-making bodies at the University.


Commuter Student Association [CSA]

The CSA (Commuter Student Association) is a student-run organization dedicated to serving the needs of SBU's large commuter student population. Through various events and functions, the Commuter Student Association aids commuter students in becoming active in campus life and becoming informed about all available student activities and relevant news. CSA gives commuters a voice in the Stony Brook community and the Student Government as well.